Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Five Hours In

I already regret this decision. I left work around 1:30, and after various stops (OLIVIA), made it home to find my roommate and her boyfriend had a drunk friend over, who she then decided to feed Southwest Chicken Taquitos. If you know me, you know that not eating those hurt me straight down to the soul.

Once they left, I decided to try out the pack of Tofupups that I'd bought in anticipation of my first day in more than seven years of being 100% vegan. "I'll eat a hotdog", I thought. "Tofu tastes great when imparted with the correct flavors", I thought. 

Boy, was I wrong. I pulled out this rubbery, kind of jaundiced looking piece of what-the-fuck ever and read the directions. "Pierce in a few places, drop in boiling water for two minutes, enjoy!"

I did not enjoy anything but a fake plasticy smoke flavor which was pretty displeasing to the point that I had to take a shot of gin to get it far away from my pallet. Not the most successful first vegan meal. However convenient, I DO NOT, and I repeat, DO NOT, recommend Tofupups. The most "yuck" points ever on the "Things I Will Never Eat Again Even On A Deserted Island" yuck scale.

So, day one, I go to bed hungry after staring longingly at the log of fresh mozzarella I bought for my boyfriend to make
his egg white breakfast English muffin sandwiches with. Gin it is.


  1. Field Grain makes a good hot dog. You can find them in Whole Foods.
